• gli@litnon.com

Old Stock! Gel Gem Silica Chrysocolla Carving Arizona 28.5 grams

Gem ID#: 12345

Price: 870.00

Origin: Ray Mine Pinal County Arizona

Weight: 28.5 grams

Size: Max dimensions 60 x 21 mm

Clarity: Translucent

Cut: Carving

Color: Gem Blue!

Treatment: None guaranteed 100% natural!

Note: This is a large carving of an old stock Ray Mine gem featuring a pretty combination of gem silica and malachite. The piece is drilled for wearing and displays beautiful gem colors!

Gem silica is a rare type of chalcedony colored by and associated with copper deposits. Its occurrences are typically small in both size and quantity. This piece is a large, richly colored example of this gel material.

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Old Stock! Gel Gem Silica Chrysocolla Carving Arizona 28.5 grams Old Stock! Gel Gem Silica Chrysocolla Carving Arizona 28.5 grams Old Stock! Gel Gem Silica Chrysocolla Carving Arizona 28.5 grams