• gli@litnon.com

Super Rich Gold In Quartz Cabochon From California 4.75 Carats

Gem ID#: 12385

Price: 425.00

Origin: California

Weight: 4.75 carats

Size: 11.2 x 9.2 millimeters

Cut: Oval Cabochon

Treatment: None, guaranteed 100% natural!

Note: Natural California Gold in Quartz cabochon. This rare and beautiful gem is shot through and through with natural gold veins!

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Super Rich Gold In Quartz Cabochon From California 4.75 CaratsSuper Rich Gold In Quartz Cabochon From California 4.75 Carats

Super Rich Gold In Quartz Cabochon From California 4.75 CaratsSuper Rich Gold In Quartz Cabochon From California 4.75 CaratsSuper Rich Gold In Quartz Cabochon From California 4.75 Carats